Friday, 25 March 2016

Podcast 36

After the nostalgia fest last time, I felt the need for newer stuff this time... Even the old song here is from a brand new re-issue.

Click to listen or download

ANTI YOU - Lives Are Controlled - from Nightmare Unfolds 7” - Agipunk
THE LIGHT - From Above Or Below - from Split 7” - King Of The Monsters
PORVENIR OSCURO - Fara - from Demo 2016 - bandcamp

PERSECUTION - Elitist Rule - from Fortitude demo - bandcamp
POLIO & JULIE - Flygt - from P&J demo - Adult Crash
DAUðYFLIN - Drepum Allt - from demo - bandcamp

KIELTOLAKI - Alistu/nöyrry - from Vapauden Illuusio LP - Feral Ward
KOHTI TUHOA - Liian Elossa - from Rutiinin Orja LP - Svart

PELUQUERIA CANINA - Canibal - from Jove's Promises LP - Going Underground
WOOLF - Out Of Body - from Posing/Improvising LP - La Vida Es Un Mus
CHROMA - Clasificar, Construir, Corregir - from Cuerpos Dóciles - Dê o Fora Discos

SIEGA - False Allies - from Demo - bandcamp
DRY HEAVES - Gi'ore - from Slim Pickings LP - Viral Age

LIFE…BUT HOW TO LIVE IT? - Strength - from S/T LP - Boss Tuneage

COMMANDO - Effigy - from Come Out Fighting demo - bandcamp
MACHO BOYS - Victim To Blame - from demo - bandcamp
COMMONERS - A Warm, Dark Place - from S/T - bandcamp
LA EQUI - Cazadores - from Puro Odio demo - bandcamp

VIOLENT ARREST - Fortress Europa - from Authors Of Our Own Demise 7” - Artcore